The Future of the Church | Freedom, Part 4: The Good Stuff

Sometime last year, I was in fellowship with the Lord while playing with my son in his spaceship tent. Sitting there, the Lord placed a revelation before me that made my eyes widen:

Look at the Flag of Israel and the American Flag beside one another.

After a quick moment of comparing the two, the Lord posed a question on me following the answer: 

What is the Flag of Israel missing?” 

The Blood of Jesus.

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed

Isaiah 53:5

It is really something for you to take a moment and think about. 

In our country, those red stripes represent the brave men and women who died so we could live free from tyranny rule. But there is a beautiful parallel to give. America’s entire foundation was built on Christ — The bedrock on which we stand

He paid the ultimate price for our freedom when He hung on the cross, bearing the weight of our sins. That sweet Law of Liberty we are called to live under once we’ve believed! We are no longer bound by the yoke that requires penance for our sins and religious practices

We, believers, we get to just be with Him!

We get to just have Him! Right at our fingertips!

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Galatians 5

The Lord has equipped me to firmly stand against what He calls the spirit of religion. I’ve been called to teach how the spirit of religion has hidden what the Blood of Jesus did for us and how it profoundly relates to what we are seeing in the world today. And the Lord has made me bold and strong for it – because this spirit of religion is everywhere among the Church, and it is a beast.

But for now, I’ve got some chocolate chip cookies for you …

It was recently when the Lord moved me to look even deeper at the American Flag, and I’ve found some treasure I’m excited to share! 

In America, the stars represent each state, and when the Lord presents a star, it’s a marking of God’s promise

We have 50 stars on our Flag. The number 50 in Hebrew carries the meaning of Jubilee. To say the least, I was ecstatic when I discovered this because Jubilee is the exact word the Lord has continued to give and give me about this time to come. Jubilee comes from the Hebrew word Yobel, which I’ve read means a ram’s horn trumpet. Upon reading, I’ve discovered the Jews used a Shofar (a ram’s horn) trumpet to blow in the year of Jubilee. The year of Jubilee was an event where people were lifted out of oppression. It was a time of celebration and joy. We are sealed with this promise

There are 7 red stripes on our Flag. In my study, the number 7 represents the Blood of Jesus, as it means rest, whole, completion. 

Fireworks! I started to excitedly jump up and down right about this time in my study …

We have 6 white stripes. The Lord has given me two beautiful symbolism connected to those 6 white stripes —

  1. 6 is the mark of man (the beast: the flesh), and once we have believed that Christ bore our sins on the cross, you have been washed by the blood of Jesus: “sins as scarlet but white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18)We, the believers, we are the fabric of those 6 white stripes
  2. When the number 6 is not being projected as the image of the beast, then it is to be taken as the image of God. Those 6 white stripes are symbolic of A sacrificial love. Jesus our Savior: The spotless Lamb of God.

More fireworks!

With the 6 and the 7, we have 13 stripes. And 13 carries the meaning of covenantal love, which is precisely what was purchased for us on the cross! There is more — In our country, the 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies. Looking into the etymology of the word colony, I found the word’s origin to mean cultivate, settlement, farm. And wouldn’t you know the Lord uses these terms to define our season of rest!

The Lord has purposed America to give light to the world, where Christ is exalted above all. If that light goes out, the entire globe goes dim. But we have been sealed with a promise. As long as the Blood of Jesus: the Body of Christ, still breathes in this great land, we will never be overtaken by tyranny. 

And He will take every born-again believer in every corner of the world from this place before that time comes.

I have another beautiful parallel to share: America’s national bird is the eagle. 

but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” 

Isaiah 40:31

The Lord had placed it upon me that when this promised trumpet blows, the sound of it will be, “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!”

Don’t tread on His Flag!

“Saturday, in the park, Every day’s the Fourth of July”

Go ahead and listen to that song by Chicago! The Lord would often give me those lyrics and remind me of the song when He was bringing me into the truth.

Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People dancing, people laughing
A man selling ice cream
Singing Italian songs
Eh Cumpari, ci vo sunari
Can you dig it? (Yes, I can)
And I’ve been waiting such a long time
For Saturday

Another day in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Another day in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People talking, really smiling
A man playing guitar (play the song)
(Play the song, play on)
And singing for us all
Will you help him change the world?
Can you dig it? (Yes, I can)
And I’ve been waiting such a long time
For today

Slow motion riders fly the colors of the day
A bronze man still can tell stories his own way

Listen children all is not lost, all is not lost, no, no, no
Funny days in the park
Every day’s the Fourth of July
Funny days in the park
Every day’s the Fourth of July

People reaching, people touching
A real celebration
Waiting for us all (waiting for us all)
If we want it, really want it
Can you dig it? (Yes, I can)
And I’ve been waiting such a long time
For the day, yeah, yeah, yeah

There is so much encouraging symbolism in this song! To study and lay it all out would take an entirely separate post. But a few main gems: through my dreams, I’ve learned by the Lord that when He uses a park, it symbolizes a place of rest“Saturday in the park.” In Hebrew, Saturday is Shabbat. There is so much rich information about Shabbat, but right now, the main detail to take away is that Shabbat carries the same meaning: rest! As for the biblical sabbath, Shabbat (Saturday) is, in fact, observed as the 7th day in the week! We have learned earlier 7 is joined with the Blood of Jesus as it also carries the meaning of restSaturday and the number 7 are significantly related!! And Fourth of July – that’s a celebration of Freedom!

Come on now, the Lord is so cool! He really is.

Saturday in the park, every day’s the 4th of July!

Rest upon rest upon rest!

Grace upon grace upon grace!

When you are resting in what the Blood of Jesus did for you, every day, you are FREE!

I know what the Lord has given me – our country will be brought out of this overrule. And as much as I’m looking forward to it (each day), there is something that joins with it – something that is even more beautiful. Another parallel. The Lord will gradually bring the full Body of Christ to a place of resting in everything the Blood of Jesus did for us. In time, the spirit of religion will no longer have a place in Christianity. No more spiritual bondage within believers around the world. No more of the saved sleeping with false doctrines. That is the real celebration.

To my fellow believers,  by His Blood and His Blood alone, you have been washed and made pure, you are righteous, and you are justified in His sight. You are healed by the Blood, you are protected, and you are restored! Because of the Blood, we have been given unmerited favor! And He adores you! You belong to Him, and He calls you by name! You cannot work to earn any of it, and if you try, you step right back into the spiritual tyranny of religion. GOOD-BYE old song! Daddy’s coming to set us free!!! 

Did you know that the blue in the American flag stands for perseverance? It is a spiritual labor the Lord takes you through when He is bringing you to that place of rest in Him. It is going to be such a beautiful work of the Lord in each of us who are saved.

Our new song ends with funny days in the park, when every day is the 4th of July – light and full of joy.

You see how beautiful and merciful the Lord is … we get to have some fun down here before He comes back for us. The Great I Am, our Mighty Father!



Number study:,

Saturday (Shabbat):,,

And Daddy!