The Future of the Church | Freedom, Part 5: To Know Him

A while ago, the Lord led me to look at the greatest commandment in the Bible:

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 

Matthew 22:36-38

After I had finished reading, He placed a question within me that turned on the light. “How can anyone be called to love someone with such magnitude without first knowing them?” 

The greatest commandment is a call to know Him

And I will testify until my last breath that to know Him is to love Him. And to love Him is to know Him. And I know Him well. 

How do we get to know Him? Is it by acting or looking the partFar-be-it. You only come by knowing anyone by having a relationship with them. And if we are commanded to love the Lord with such magnitude, well, that means it’s a relationship that is meant to flourish. To grow and grow with no end. It is only through Him that the root of your faith is established and strengthened. It begins between you and Jesus. The Daddy. And who cares what anyone else may have going on with the Lord. Whatever their status or position, you are just as valuable in the Lord’s eyes. 

It did not come by easy, but the Lord has done such a work within me that I am now affirmed in believing I am made pure only by the Blood of Jesus. Full of spots but spotless in His eyes. He loves me always. And it is not because of anything I did or didn’t do. One may even say, “Well, you did something – you accepted Christ as your Savior!” Ahh, yes, but you see, I didn’t even choose Him. He chose me (John 15:16). Freedom! Was the Lord making me “more pure” all my time spent with Him in the refiner’s fire? No, He was instilling that I already am pure by the Blood alone! And I will always have spots, and He will always love me. Now I soar.

The Lord gave me a message to record once, and I could feel His excitement as I wrote it down. It is meant for the reader to chew on and digest.

A person who has been fervently walking with the Lord for the last 20 years is not more pure, righteous, or justified than the prostitute who just came to accept Christ as their Savior but a second ago.

People pray and accept Christ into their hearts, but then almost immediately, they are led astray with, “Now go get right with God!”

Excuse me? They’ve just been washed by the Blood of Jesus! THEY ARE RIGHT BY HIM! He’s called them His own! He cherishes them!

An old hymn that pleases the Lord:

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 

For my pardon this I see–
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
For my cleansing this my plea–
Nothing but the blood of Jesus! 

Nothing can my sin erase
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Naught of works, ’tis all of grace–
Nothing but the blood of Jesus! 

This is all my hope and peace–
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
This is all my righteousness–
Nothing but the blood of Jesus! 

What a beautiful rendition of the truth!

Most Christians know this hymn. We sing these beautiful lyrics during worship, then we sit down in our church pew to take in a message that works against it! Let us all clap for the Big Show, shall we? What a grand facade!

Teachings that draw from, “Why don’t we add this and remove that from the Word and let us continue to remove and addwell, ya know … I GOT IT … Let’s just REMOVE CHRIST ALTOGETHER and LIVE LIKE GOOD PEOPLE!” 


In other words: “Let’s be-like Christ WITHOUT CHRIST

It is the What-would-Jesus-do bracelets in the world


He does not exist in that question! Within that motive!

Why not ASK Jesus what He would do …

Are you beginning to see what the Lord is calling you to see?

The Lord has removed me so far from the lies that I will not even stand by to take in a whisper of it. I fight the good fight of faith! And I am Free.

I have been set Free!

I am Free!

I am Free!

Now I get to just love Him and love Him and love Him and love Him. 

I’ve got my own love letter to the Lord. It’s an oldie for my beautiful Father, the One who set this captive free!